
Post 5 : Survival and Cooking in the Field

Sep 10, 2010 22:11

Up-Date Week 5

Hi Martin its rob just finished week 5 its gone so quickly !.

Do you know any more regarding me coming into college?

Here is the sit rep for week 5.

We had our first field exercise 2 nights in the woods, learning section attack, field administration which is survival and cooking in the field.

We learned how to set up harbour areas, stand to, snap ambush, work routines and staging (terrible)

we had different camouflage and concealment tests. We tabed back from exercise. We have completed circuit training (again) but stepped up a lot more.

This weekend we are off to London war museum and Westminster abbey. Sorry for the late text. Take care rob.

Sep 10, 2010 22:57


1. Always make sure you work as a team, (in the field you become your basher buddies}.

2. Make sure you use every second of your spare time effectively !

3. If your cooking don't watch the flame clean your rifle or get on with something constructive.

4. Always make sure you put 100% in and you will get 100% out ie work hard on section attack and you will learn a lot more.

5. If you don't work hard and you will be leopard crawling up hill for hours.

6. Basically always keep busy and look after your admin.

7. Remember your rifle your kit and finally yourself.

It is fun actually I try and find the fun in everything here, and things seem a lot easier.

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